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Friday, February 20, 2009

Tag Untuk Medan Pembolehubah

008 Coded control information
010 Library of Congress Card Number
020 International Standard Book Number
022 International Standard Serial Number
040 Cataloguing Source
050 Library of Congress Call Number
082 Dewey Decimal Classification Number
090 Local Call Number
100 Main Entry--Personal Name
110 Main Entry--Corporate Name
111 Main Entry—Meeting Name (MARC21/USMARC)
222 Key-Title (for serials only)
240 Uniform Title
242 Translation of Title by Cataloguing Agency
245 Title and Statement of Responsibility Area
246 Varying Form of Title
250 Edition Area
260 Publication and Distribution Area
300 Physical Description Area
440 Series Statement/Added entry
490 Series Statement (Untraced or Traced differently)
5XX Notes Area
600 Subject Added Entry—Personal Name
610 Subject Added Entry—Corporate Name
650 Subject Added Entry—Topical Term
651 Subject Added Entry—Geographic Name
700 Added Entry—Personal Name
710 Added Entry—Corporate Name
711 Added Entry –Meeting Name
8XX Series Added Entry—Title Traced Differently

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Anatomy of Catalog Card (with MARC Tags)

Nota Bengkel Pengkatalogan Deskriptif (Monograf & Terbitan Bersiri) - 19-22 Januari 2009

Senarai nota

1/Anatomy of a Catalog Card

2/Areas of Description (1-3)

3/Areas of Description (4-5)

4/Areas of Description (6-8)

5/Cataloguing DVDs

6/Cataloguing AV Materials

7/Descriptive Cataloguing - Corporate Heading

8/Descriptive Cataloguing - Heading of Person

9/Descriptive Cataloguing - Access Point

10/Descriptive Cataloguing - Geographic Name as Heading

11/Heading of Person

12/Pengkatalogan Bahan-Bahan Maklumat


14/Sources of Information

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pengkatalogan - Monograf & Terbitan Bersiri

Pengkatalogan Deskriptif :
Penggunaan AACR2R

  • Definisi : Sebahagian daripada proses mengkatalog yang meliputi kerja-kerja menghurai/mendeskripsi pakej maklumat, iaitu menyediakan deskripsi/huraian bibliografik dan menentukan punca akses samada melalui nama, judul, dll.

  • Penyediaan deskripsi/huraian bibliografik dan penentuan punca akses kepada bahan maklumat.

  • Menggunakan Peraturan Pengkatalogan yang telah ditetapkan mengikut piawaian antarabangsa, iaitu AACR2R (2002 Rev / 2005 Update)

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Aplikasi ISBD dalam Pendeskripsian Pakej Maklumat Di Perpustakaan


  • International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) dibangunkan oleh the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Paris.

  • Bagi menyediakan kaedah yang standard dalam merekod/menghurai data bibliografik/bahan di perpustakaan.

  • Menetapkan elemen/huraian deskripsi dan tanda bacaan bagi memastikan kaedah merekod data yang konsisten dan sistematik.

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Contoh Cataloging Input Sheet

Friday, February 6, 2009



Bahan Sumber Media & Sumber Elektronik

—Bahan tidak bercetak termasuk filem sinematografi, microform, piring hitam, rakaman video dan audio, cakera padat, cakera video, CD-ROM,betacam, disket dan media elektronik yang lain.

—Secara umumnya boleh dibahagi kepada empat jenis bahan utama:
1/ Sound recording
2/ Motion pictures and video recording
3/ Electronic resources
4/ Microform

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dewey Decimal Classsification

DDC - Ringkasan (Pengenalan)

* Dalam DDC, kelas-kelas asas disusun mengikut disiplin atau bidang-bidang pengajian.

* Melville Dewey memilih 10 kelas utama yang meliputi keseluruh ilmu pengetahuan…

* Bahagian-bahagian akademik ilmu pengetahuan dalam era Dewey:

General works
Natural science
Useful arts
Fine arts

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DDC-Indeks Relatif


Dalam Skedul :
Subjek disusun mengikut disiplin


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What Is Notational Synthesis

* Notational synthesis or number-building is the process of constructing a classification number not listed in the schedules, following rules given in the scheme for combining numbers.
Number-Building in DDC
* Most important subjects have ready-made class numbers that are enumerated (listed) in the DDC schedules.
* Nevertheless, many subjects are still not provided for, and these can be synthesized by the number-building process.
Notation from Table 2, providing representation of geographic areas, historical periods and persons relating to the main subject, may be used with numbers throughout the schedule as instructed, or via through the interposition of notation -09 from Table 1, under -093-099 there is an instruction to add area notation 3-9 from Table 2 to base number -09.

Untuk mengkelas sesuatu karya

-Tentukan subjek bahan
-Seterusnya tentukan disiplin bagi subjek bahan
-Mempertimbangkan ciri koleksil, penguna dan polisi perpustakaan (contohnya lokaso bahan-bahan tertentu, tahap pengkhususan dsb) yang boleh memberi kesan kepada pengkelasan
Introduction to Table 1

The learner will:
Understand the basic principles underlying use of Table 1
Be familiar with Table 1 topics
Be able to apply the basic principles underlying use of Table 1

Table 1 is a list of standard subdivisions, concepts such as form (e.g., dictionary, periodical) and
approach (e.g., research, history) that are broadly applicable
Table 1 notation never used alone; may be used as required with any regular schedule number

* Satu nombor panggilan unik diberikan kepada setiap bahan dalam koleksi perpustakaan, menggunakan satu dari sistem nombor panggilan. Setiap sistem nombor panggilan mempunyai beberapa ciri asas.
* Dalam setiap sistem, nombor panggilan terdiri dari urutan notasi (huruf, nombor dan/atau simbol) yang ringkas untuk dimuatkan dalam satu label yang diletakkan pada bahagian luar bahan.
Conceptual framework

•In the DDC basic classes are organized by disciplines or fields of study
•At the broadest level, the DDC is divided into ten main classes, which together cover the world of knowledge
•Each main class is further divided into ten divisions, and each division into ten sections (not all numbers for the divisions and sections have been used
•The main structure of the DDC is presented in the DDC Summaries.
•The first summary contains the main class
•The second summary contains the hundred divisions
•The third summary contains the thousand sections
•The first and second summaries are provided for browsing purposes, and the headings do not necessarily match the name of the sections found in the schedules.
Pengkelasan DDC

Dewey Decimal Classification

-Ciptaan Melville Dewey
-Edisi 1876 - 44 muka surat
- 10 kelas utama
- dibahagikan kepada 1000 kategori

-Kini merupakan satu sistem yang digunakan secara meluas di seluruh dunia

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Classifying with DDC

Classification: what it is and what it does

*Classification is the meaningful grouping of persons, things, animals, and so forth in a systematic way.

Examples in everyday life where systematic groupings are used include:
* supermarkets
* employees
* schools
* mails
* personal papers

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